Thursday, November 1, 2007

P2P Networking

Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking eliminates the need for central servers, allowing all computers to communicate and share resources as equals. Music file sharing, instant messaging and other popular network applications rely on P2P technology.

P2P is a standard approach to network design that eliminates the need for dedicated servers. P2P is also a popular term for freely available Internet file sharing software systems.
P2P Software Progams and Networks TutorialPeer to peer networks comprise both peer workgroup LANs and P2P file sharing networks. Discover why P2P has rapidly grown to become arguably the most interesting class of network applications.
Free Software - P2P File Sharing ProgramsThis index describes each of the top peer to peer file sharing client software programs. These free P2P clients allow easy swapping of music, video and other files over the Internet.

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